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Make it Work

"The broadest and maybe the most meaningful definition of volunteering: Doing more than you have to because you want to, in a cause you consider good." ~Ivan Scheier

Partners Therapeutic Horsemanship volunteers

Volunteers are the backbone of Partners Therapeutic Horsemanship. Some of our volunteers have been with us for many years, and some are just beginning. All generously give the gift of time to make contact, provide encouragement, and perhaps humor, to make someone’s day a bit more rewarding. 
Volunteers participate in therapeutic riding for many reasons, but whatever it may be, they provide support, skills, talents and abilities to encourage our riders and their families. They may never know the profound effect they make on someone’s life. Without side-walkers and horse leaders, many of our students would not have the opportunity to ride. Because of our volunteers, Partners' horses are well cared for, our riders stay safe, and our program continues to exist to help those with disabilities.
Please know that we genuinely appreciate and value your commitment to Partners Therapeutic Horsemanship. For this, we thank you.

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." ~Dr. Seuss


15665 El Monte Rd.

Lakeside, CA 92040


8590 Sunrise Lane

La Mesa, CA 91941


Tuesday 2pm-5pm

Wednesday 2pm-5pm 

Thursday 2pm-5pm

Saturday 9am-12pm




Support Our Program:

Partners Therapeutic Horsemanship -

a 501(C)(3) Nonprofit

Tax ID #20-1928582

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